2011年2月17日 星期四

Ubuntu 10.04/10.10 set primary monitor problem

In Ubuntu 10.04/10.10

You can't set your primary monitor which you want

the primary monitor is always on left

So I find a script to solve this problem




# Author: Andrew Martin
# Credit: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1309247
echo "Enter the primary display from the following:"   # prompt for the display
xrandr --prop | grep "[^dis]connected" | cut --delimiter=" " -f1 # query connected monitors
read choice        # read the users's choice of monitor
xrandr --output $choice --primary     # set the primary monitor

chmod +x monitor-switcher.sh


Enter the primary display from the following:

and enter DFP2 or DFP3

if you success, you will see the primary monitor change